How to Get Rid of Dog Smell

Accidents happen, and that’s part of puppy training. If your dog has an accident indoors, don’t overreact, even if you’re faced with bad carpet odours and you’re trying to remove the dog’s urine odour from the carpet.

If you’re still in puppy training, you’ll need to avoid establishing behaviours that create the habit of eliminating indoors, and you’ll need to take your puppy outdoors as much as possible.

If you’re wondering how to get the urines to smell out of the carpet, here are some easy tips.

Keep in mind that if you repeatedly find messes on your carpet, you’ll need to ensure a good method of keeping your carpets clean and possibly take your dog to the veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues, most especially if you have a senior pet.

You’re probably also wondering as to how to get old dog urine smell out of your carpet. Well, here’s the take on how to get rid of that dog pee smell.

How to Get Old Dog Urine Smell Out of Carpet?
If your furry best friend does have a potty accident inside the home, it’s important to clean up all the faeces or urine traces right away. If you don’t, your puppy will think that it’s the right place to eliminate it. He’ll then continue to do so.

Brush Up with Positive Potty Training
You’ll also need to rethink your house training and possibly give him more frequent outdoor breaks. The other option is to hire a pet sitter if you have to be away from home for long periods. To clean up the urine and faecal stains together with the odour, you should remove and soak up all the urine or faeces.

The next step is to use a commercial pet carpet cleaner. If you’re wondering how to get that old dog urine smell out of the carpet, specialized carpet cleaning products utilize enzymes to neutralize urine and faecal stains. These enzymes help and will show you how to get rid of the dog urine smell.

Carpet cleaning products for a dog’s urine smell in the homework quickly and are easily available at all pet stores and supermarkets. To be sure that the products work effectively, you’ll need to follow the instructions.

If your dog repeatedly messes up inside the house, you’ll need to figure out how you can help him. Perhaps you failed during the training process, and you’ll need to brush up on your house training. Or perhaps your dog has a health issue, which is common among senior pets.

Never get angry at your puppy or adult dog even if you repeatedly find messes. If you have a senior dog, you’ll need to consult with your veterinarian and see whether it’s time for senior doggie diapers.

How to Remove Dog Urine from the Carpet?
Dog urine gets absorbed into the carpet as an acid that damages the carpet fibres. When dog urine dries up, it results in an alkaline residue. If urine salts are not cleaned up with a professional pet cleaning product, this may result in a dog urine odour for many years.

This may not be a strong smell during the winter with lots of dry air, but in humid climates, the urine ammonia is once again reactivated and begins to smell again.

How to Get the Urine Smell Out of the Couch?
If your dog has had an accident on your couch, then you’ll need to use a professional cleaning product in the same way that you use carpet cleaning products. Once the couch is cleaned, keep your puppy away from the area so that he doesn’t have a chance to eliminate in the same spot.

You can also cover the couch with a laundry basket or blanket until the smell dissipates. If the smell lingers after cleaning your couch, you’ll still be wondering how to get rid of that dog pee smell.

We adore our furry best friends, but there’s nothing worse than a lingering smell of dog pee in your home.

If you have a small male dog breed, you may be having more of a problem. Dogs use their urine to mark territory, but smaller dog breeds may tend to enjoy doing so indoors as well.

First, find the area on the couch that needs to be cleaned. Then use the urine and odour remover pet product. If your furry best friend has made a mess on your hardwood floor, then use special urine and odour removal for tile and hardwood.

When out on your daily walks, you’ll see that your dog continuously stops, smells, and pees. Dogs also mark their territory to relate information about their sexual cycles, and age and tell other dogs who they are and what they’re about.

If your dog covers another dog’s urine, then he’s showing a sense of ownership over that area or just adding to the pile of dog pee in that area. But let’s get back to how to get the old dog urine smell out of the carpet and how you can help your furry best friend.

How to Prevent Indoor Marking?
If your doggo enjoys doing this, it can turn into a huge problem. Popular indoor targets include that favourite couch, corner table, pot plants, and even door frames. If your furry best friend keeps doing it every day, your biggest problem will be how to get rid of that dog pee smell. Yes, it’s going to smell pretty bad!

Although this is a huge part of canine life, you’ll need to teach your dog how to do this outdoors by taking more frequent walks. You’ll need to consider neutering your dog, most especially if you have a dominant dog. This is because male dogs tend to urinate more than female dogs and tend to mark furniture.

This, in turn, keeps the dog urine smell lingering for as long as months, and even after cleaning your carpet, your dog will keep marking, and you’ll be asking yourself how to get rid of the dog pee smell once again.

The key to eliminating indoor marking is to discourage it in the first place and thoroughly clean the areas with a professional pet carpet cleaner. You can also use homemade preparation.

Extending Outdoor Time
If your dog has a longtime habit of marking your favourite couch, you’re going to have to consider taking your dog outside more often. This will allow him to urinate every two to three hours. If this doesn’t work, consider starting with going outdoors once every hour, even if it’s just to the first tree in the neighbourhood.

This will give him the chance to mark “his territory” and help you avoid asking the same question repeatedly about how to get rid of the dog pee smell in your carpet.

Training Your Dog to Mark Outdoors
An easy method to discourage indoor marking and smelly carpets is to train your dog to mark outdoor objects instead of your favourite couch. Never punish your dog. If the habit is longstanding, you’ll need a few months of positive potty training with a combination of frequent long and short walks, which will keep your dog’s bladder as empty as possible.

You can also use paper towels to blot up your dog’s urine and then smear it on approved outdoor locations in your garden. You can also do this on your neighbourhood walks to encourage your dog to mark his territory outdoors.

When your furry best friend smells his scent, he’ll be encouraged to mark that exact spot. You can then reward him with a treat or praise. If you don’t have as much time, you should consider hiring a pet sitter to encourage this new behaviour.

How to Get Old Dog Urine Smell Out of Carpet?
Most pet urine and odour removal products are easy to use! You don’t have to scrub the carpets. Spray it on the pet pee stain and wait for the citrusy, clean carpet scent to waft through.

How Do Pet Urine and Odor Removal Products Work?

All carpet cleaning products are virtually lifesavers for every pet household to eliminate nasty urine odours with oxidation.

The oxidation process is augmented and reinforced with an integrated system of odour neutralizers and counteractants for a powerful multifunctional formula to ensure successful deodorization and urine odour removal under any conditions.

Being a pet parent, especially during puppyhood, is very rewarding but doesn’t come with urine-free guarantees, especially when pet pee odours overwhelm your home.

Frequent Bathing
All dogs have a natural doggie smell, with some breeds having more of an odour than others. Allow frequent bathing to keep your pets clean and free of bacteria, fungi, dirt, and grime. When coming in from a walk, your dog may have muddy paws. Consider using wipes or a wet towel or even rinsing them off with lukewarm soapy water.

Promote Well-Being
Keep your dog healthy with daily supplements, as well as maintain dental hygiene and regular veterinary visits.

Regular Exercise
All dogs need to have a regular exercise schedule and will be less prone to potty accidents in the home when encouraged to do so outdoors. During puppyhood, you’ll need to go out more often to potty train your puppy.

Keep in mind that adult dogs can also have accidents. Rescue or adopted dogs with behavioural issues and that have been through trauma in past homes may also tend to urinate indoors.

Reach out to your veterinarian first to check your dog’s health, and then work together with a positive dog trainer or behaviourist to positively change the behaviour.

Wash Your Dog Bed Often
It’s important to wash your dog’s bed at least once a week. This is something that often gets overlooked. As usual, vacuum first, and then a cold machine wash. Always follow instructions! Please read them carefully, because all dog bed brands have different cleaning instructions.

Use Deodorizers to Help Protect with Every Day Odors.
If you add deodorisers throughout your home, you can help eliminate lingering unpleasant doggie pee odours and keep your air quality good and free from unpleasant smells. Pet urine and odour removal products work with proven microbial action and will eliminate bacteria and bad odours.

If your pet is prone to accidents, ensure that you have your carpets cleaned regularly to avoid long-term urine odours. If your puppy makes a mess, it’s best to clean it up right away. You can use an enzymatic-based cleaner for dogs to remove heavy pet pee odours and stains.

Always encourage your dog with praise while potty training, and never punish him. You can help him by anticipating his needs so that you take him outdoors ahead of time to prevent accidents from happening in the first place! That will stop you from thinking about how to get rid of the dog pee smell on your carpet forever!

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